As European states extended their influence over seas, AGU political argument for imperialism gained prominence. Even if colonies were not economically beneficial, imperialist held that it was crucial for a political and military reasons to maintain them. Some overseas colonies occupied strategic sites on the worlds see lanes, and others offered harbors and supply stations for commercial and naval ships dock. Add the kids for imperialism sought to gain these advantages for their own states in equally important to deny them to rivals.
Answer: Disabled veterans, who had been coming home before the war's end, were offered physical and occupational rehabilitation through the Vocational Education Bureau.
Battle of Plataea
it was finally driven from the country after the battle of Plataea in 479 bce, where it was defeated by a combined force of Spartans, Tegeans, and Athenians. The Persian navy was defeated at Mycale, on the Asiatic coast, when it declined to engage the Greek fleet.
They poison the water in the well so anyone who tries to use it after they attack will become poisoned and die.
Society has made us obsessed with what other people think of us, and what social media tells us to act and look like.