The three methods that the United States of America used to counteract the influences of the Soviet Union were intelligence, media propaganda and nuclear arms race. These strategies would make the Soviets uneasy and they will feel that there is another powerful country that is there to counter their influences.
Wang Mang hoped to gather support from the peasantry be introducing reforms. Wang Mang announced the discovery of books written by Confucius, which were supposedly discovered after Confucius’ house, was destroyed more than two hundred years ago. The discovered work supported the same kind of reform that Wang Mang sought.
Wang Mang defended his policies by quoting from the discovered books. Following what was portrayed as Confucian scripture; he decreed a return to the golden times when every man had his measure of land to till, land that in principle belonged to the state. He declared that a family of less than eight that had more than fifteen acres was obligated to distribute the excess amount of land to those who had none.
The "resource" was knowledge and science. The reason Western Euroupe used to have vast empired was because of it's advanced science and military. It's economy used to (and still is) one of the major economic regions of the world, because of the Industrial Revolution (Originated in Great Britain) and other factors. They created the machinery that provided the base for economic and terratorial expansion. That, and having excellent universities and scientists (Issac Newton, Charles Darwin etc.) are key to keep fueling the economy, and growing to theone of the world's major economic region we know today.
Carl Vinson added the Naval Expansion Legislation to strengthen the US Navy in terms of latest ships.
- Carl Vinson was appointed as the chairman of the House of Naval Affairs in 1931.
- Vinson-Trammell Act was pushed by Vinson in 1934 to authorize the replacement of old vessels with the new ones along with increasing the number of ships.
- During the time of World War II, Vinson was responsible for additional Naval Expansion that made it enter world war 2 and match the Japanese ships and vessels.