Answer:Laissez-faire is simply a way to describe a government's hands-off approach to economic policies. This approach was particularly prevalent in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, which led to numerous issues within American manufacturing
the Legislative branch (specifically the Senate) must ratify treaties. This check on the power of President is part of the system of checks and balances.
Yeah we all know that because it has speeding has severe consequences
The Justinian Code forms part of the Corpus Juris civilis. Published on April 7, 529, the Justinian Code was drawn up under the Byzantine emperor Justinian by a commission of imperial officials and professors of law schools, chaired by the jurist Tribonien.
It comprises several laws regarding taxes, religion, private relations, crime and legal proceedings, among others. Compared to the previous rules, the Justinian Code is characterized by the fact that the emperor becomes the sole source of law: the emperor alone is invested with the right to impose the rules of law such as injunctions or commandments, this right being withdrawn from the magistrates.
Formation of Political Parties. Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787. Friction between them increased as attention shifted from the creation of a new federal government to the question of how powerful that federal government would be.