A. Ellos se la dan.
Both direct and indirect complements must agree in gender and number.
- The <u>direct object</u> must be "la" because it replaces "LA sorpresa" (feminine and singular).
- The <u>indirect object</u> must be "se" because it does not look good to put "le".
A poem about the canton machala
I'm Spanish and canton manchala is not a Spanish word
Okay so this is pretty easy. And that answer would be:
"¿Qué pasa?"
Welcome to brainly btw :) hope you are enjoying it! (feel free to friend me i'll still help)
Ropa: blusa, falda, camisa
colores: rojo, azul, morado
fruta: fresa, uva, sandía
vegetales: zanahoria, ejote, elote