The correct answer is: "The development of symmetry and balance in architecture"
Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished by its highly standardized features, both in structure and decoration. This is particularly true in the case of temples where each building seems to have been conceived as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often raised on a high ground so that the elegance of its proportions and the effects of light on its surfaces can See yourself from all angles.
The architecture of Ancient Rome emerged from that of Greece and maintained its influence in Italy uninterrupted to this day. From the Renaissance, revivals of classicism have kept alive not only the precise forms and ordered the details of Greek architecture, but also their concept of architectural beauty based on balance and proportion. The successive styles of Renaissance architecture and neoclassical architecture followed and adapted ancient Greek styles more or less faithfully.
Conflict is a clash between two opposing forces that creates the narrative thread for a story. Conflict occurs when the main character struggles with either an external conflict or an internal conflict.
In the voting rights of 1820 you were aloud to vote even if you didn’t own land because of the Amendments of the Constition.
Kota figures represent an extremely stylized human body, reduced to shoulders and “arms,” in emptied lozenge shape, surmounted by a large face framed by an ample coiffure with hanging tresses.
France returned to the North American stage in 1778 to support American colonists against Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. For France, the military defeat and the financial burden of the Seven Years' War weakened the monarchy and eventually contributed to the advent of the French Revolution in 1789.