in-, il-, im-, ir- The prefix in- changes its form to il- before an l; to im- before b, m or p; and to ir- before r. This prefix (and its variations) have two meanings. Meaning 1: not, without.
Its probably B. its literally in the sentence <span />
The part of the brand brand trademark is the symbol or design.
A trademark refers to a brand name, including any symbol, name, word, device, or mixing of elements that a company uses to identify and differentiate the services or goods it offers from the ones other companies offer. A trademark indicates where these goods or services came from, that is to say, from which company.
Electromagnetic radiation I believe
Hamlet and pyrrhus are alike because they both want revenge for the death of their fathers but they are unlike too because pyrrhus seeks revenge and he is remorseless but Hamlet on the otherhand, find it hard summoning the courage to kill his uncle.
Pyrrhus doesnt have remorse about killing Priam because he sees it as an eye for an eye justice. This is in contrast to Hamlet who feels that if he can have courage to kill his uncle will justify everything.
Unlike pyrrhus, Hamlet pretends to be insane so people will see him as unserious and thus confirm the fact that his uncle killed his father. and in the course plans to murder his uncle. but pyrrhus is in trogan house to get access to priam and deal him justice by stealth. pyrrhus is more courageous but Hamlet is not a man of violent actions.