Well, not only is our data bought and sold, It is also used without consent. The key to stealing data is technology, most data is input through some sort of technology. Whether it be someone entering their DOB on a website, or using their credit card for an online purchase. There are some sites that have even confirmed selling their member's data. As to why they do it? I'm not sure, some people believe it's to pander or better aim future products at individuals.
Hamlet's willingness to go with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern into a trap shows that he may be giving up. He knows the consequences he should face for killing Polonius and has not had the strength or courage to act against Claudius yet. It also is a point that he has descended further into a reality of the madness that he has been 'putting on'.
A messenger tells her that he is coming.
shoes, dog, and TV,
I really hope you're not serious