b. Because none of the precautions they took were effective, the pharaohs found a new burial ground in the Valley of the Kings.
According to the excerpt from "Egyptian Tombs: A Grave Matter,” the cause-effect relationship is illustrated in the fact that pharaohs understood their burial places were in danger of thieves, so they decided protect their tombs and treasures in the Valley of the Kings, whose location was much harder for thieves to break in.
1. True. The fact can be verified.2. True. Generalizations are often unreliable.3. True. same reason as #24. B. The comma comes after the introductory prepositional phrase. 5. A. The comma should come before the conjunction (but).6. C. Think about interrogations where an investigator asks the accused a bunch of questions.7. B. Think it's important to do this now!8. A. To declare is to make a statement.9. B. It's important to do.10. C. It's a question.11. Pathos. P = person12. Logos. L = logic13. Ethos. E = emotion14. Pathos. It's focusing on the credibility of the dentist. 15. Ethos. It's appealing to the emotions of the viewers to elicit donations.
This section refines and serves the author’s purpose because It lets the reader know that the authors are going to describe how honey relates to the story of sugar. This book is about the history of sugar and the changes and consequences that sugar brought to humanity.
This is trying in my beliefs to warn us of the future.
because prefixes always start with a root word,