Carbon starts as coal or oil in the earth, then is brought up by mining or drilling. When brought up, it is used up and the gases go into the atmosphere. Trees, soil and water act as carbon sinks, which suck up all the carbon from the air and contain it. When carbon is absorbed by the soil, it goes back into the ground.
well that answer was the explanation so welp
<span>The answer is a. carbohydrates. The amount of potential energy in the molecule depends on the number of C-H bonds in the molecule. Carbohydrates have more C-H bonds. Thus, they can serve as energy storage. Other macromolecules have less C-H bonds. Thus, when energy is needed immediately, complex carbohydrates break down to simple carbohydrates and the energy is released.</span>
B a very large molecule made of smaller molecules
a) The expected phenotype of the F1 plants is 100% RrBb, red kernels.
b) The expected phenotypic classes in the F2 are: 9:3:3:1
9/16 R-B-, 3/16 rrB-, 3/16 R-bb, 1/16 rrbb
Proportions 9:6:1.
9/16 Red kernel (R-B-), 6/16 Brown kernel (rrB- + R-bb), 1/16 White kernel (rrbb)
<u>Available data:</u>
- brown kernel: R-bb or rrB-
1º Cross) RRBB x rrbb
F1) 100% RrBb (red kernels)
2ºCross) RrBb x RrBb
Gametes) RB RB
Rb Rb
rB rB
rb rb
Punnet Square) RB Rb rB rb
Rb RRBb RRbb RrBB Rrbb
rB RrBB RrBb rrBB rrBb
rb RrBb Rrbb rrBb rrbb
F2) Phenotypic classes:
<em>9/16 R-B-</em>
<em> 3/16 rrB-</em>
<em> 3/16 R-bb</em>
<em> 1/16 rrbb</em>
Phenotypic proportions:
<em>9/16 Red kernel (R-B-)</em>
<em> 6/16 Brown kernel (rrB- + R-bb)</em>
<em> 1/16 White kernel (rrbb) </em>
1. False
2. False
3. True
1. Compliance is the capacity of a container to increase in size to allow it hold more content. Blood vessel, arteries and veins expand (increase in volume) to be able to accommodate a surge in blood flow, which is as a result of an increase in pressure of the blood from the heart pumping of the blood
Therefore, compliance in the tendency for blood vessel volume to increase as the blood pressure <em>increases</em> not decrease
The statement is false
2. A large compliance is indicative of being highly sensitive to changes in pressure
Compliance, C = ΔV/ΔP
From the above equation, a blood vessel with a large compliance, exhibit a large increase in volume when the increase in pressure is small
Therefore, the statement 'Blood vessels with a large compliance exhibit a small increase in volume when pressure increases a small amount; is false
3. The compliance of the vein ranges from 10 to 20 times (30 times in some literature) greater than arteries. A factor which can be affected by the vascular smooth muscle contraction or relaxation
Therefore, the statement, 'venous compliance is approximately 24 times larger than arterial compliance, so as venous pressure increases the volume of veins greatly increases' is true