One particular effect that Rock and Roll was thought to be the blame for was the rise in juvenile delinquency. History shows that there was an enormous spike in delinquency during the 50’s. With the assumption that Rock was to blame makes one wonder how rock was correlated to the increase in juvenile delinquency, and why would one come to this conclusion? To understand the main effect of rock on delinquency one needs to observe the rejuvenated culture of the 1950’s, know what defined a juvenile delinquent in this period, what crimes were being committed by the youth, the political aspect against rock, and the influences that rock had on the youth culture in the 1950’s.
Businesses compete in a free enterprise system because these systems exist in a capitalist environment, wherein the company with the "best idea" or product makes the sale and thus a profit--thus fostering competition.
In the early 1800s, mass production was made possible by the use of a series of inventions which made it possible to use a few amounts of energy to produce an unprecedented amount of products
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