The arts and literature of East Asia have important commonalities. One can justify these connections based on the geographic designations as well as long standing cultural connections between these regions. So the geographic definition would include Southeast Asia in the East Asia cultural complex. Although in much of the literature, the region is treated separately. However, the cultural connections are well established. These connections are linked to the influence of Buddhism in China. Japan and Korea. China has become the dominant culture to reference in East Asia. Much of this is related to its distinct development. China's two major dynasties, the Han and Tang (618-907) were truly international in scope. Korea's location placed it in a subservient position to China. Japan although more independent than Korea was deeply influenced by Chinese religious practice and philosophy. Moreover, despite the vigorous assertion of national cultures in Japan, Chinese writing styles predominated. Chinese innovations in writing, print and moveable type caused it to play an important and dominant role in literary production. Japanese literature was heavily influenced by the Chinese as well. Korean literature was also sometimes produced in classical Chinese.
Collects Social Security taxes from all workers. Pays government
pensions to retired people and disabled people.
John Milton (1608–1674) "was the last great poet of the English Renaissance" and published a number of works before 1660, including A L'Allegro,1631; Il Penseroso, 1634; Comus (a masque), 1638; and Lycidas, (1638). However, his major epic works, including Paradise Lost (1667) were published in the Restoration period.
In a democracy, it is essential that elections are regular and fair (option "A" is the correct answer). For electoral and representative systems, a democracy represents the citizens' essential right to choose their leaders in free, fair, and regular elections. The condition of "regular" implies holding elections periodically on a set schedule known to the electorate; while the concept "fair" determines that electoral laws have to offer equal conditions and opportunities for all political parties, candidates and citizens necessary to carry out the suffrage process without any obstacles that prevent the right to vote.
The main importance that spheres of influence had for China was that it promoted communism. This was because it seemed to be flourishing the the USSR.