In the Upper South, the tobacco market was unstable. ... The growth of the textile industry in Britain and New England created a new demand for the crop. As a result, men and women moved into uncultivated lands to establish new cotton-growing regions.
To the extent that the concepts, values and beliefs between southerners and northerners intensified the conflict between them.
As you may already know, the American civil war had political and commercial divergences as main reasons, however, cultural values and all the elements related to this intensified the conflict between northerners and southerners, who, for cultural reasons, had different beliefs, values and concepts and built a great intolerance with these elements between them.
Natural Resources. The discovery of more natural resources like oil, or mineral deposits may boost economic growth as this shifts or increases the country's Production Possibility Curve. ...
Physical Capital or Infrastructure. ...
Population or Labor. ..
Human Capital. ...
Technology. ...
Women had the right to vote
As a women back then, they didn't have a lot of rights and voting was something huge that they wanted to take part in. So when this was passed it finally gave the women more freedom.
a. Poor transportation networks left troops ill-equipped on the front lines
Russia had more soldiers than any other country but their infrastructure was not well built leaving the front line with few resources. Troops were often left without food, clothing, and weapons. Russia was behind in industrialization and the railroads were not well developed. It left soldiers stranded on the front lines.
In addition, the leadership of Russia was weak and unable to understand the devastation of the war. The lack of preparation and high level of death would turn into a revolution causing Russia to leave World War I sooner than the remaining Allies.