Improving Literacy Nicole Frail 1Good morning, teachers, parents, and students. 2According to the Central Intelligence Agency (C
IA), 99 percent of all Americans are literate. While most people think of literacy as simply having the ability to read and write, Teachers Network Policy Institute member MetLife Fellows claims that literacy “encompasses communication through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The four are interrelated, so development in one area impacts development in the other three.” 3Many Americans continue to struggle with different aspects of literacy. Students of all ages are casting books, magazines, and homework aside in frustration. Even educated adults may experience difficulty comprehending important information concerning insurance, medical operations, and the law. 4In 2000, the National Association of Educational Progress (NAEP) found that 37 percent of America’s fourth-grade students scored in the “below basic” category. These literacy issues don’t just affect a child’s grades; they can carry over into adulthood. Many studies find that adults with communication problems struggled with reading and writing as children. 5So, how can we improve the United States’ literacy rate? The only real way to solve this problem is to develop and encourage strong communication skills from an early age. 6There are plenty of ways to help children develop their reading skills. Entertaining bedtime stories may play an important role in developing an interest in books. When parents read to their children, they develop two types of bonds: one between the parent and the child, and one between the child and the reading material. Children who enjoy bedtime stories are more likely to show an interest in learning to read. 7It’s important to choose fun and interesting reading material. MetLife Fellows’ research recommends that “[t]eachers should work with students at their level by providing appropriate resources. They need to increase the number, quality, and variety of books a
Children who enjoy bedtime stories are more likely to show an interest in learning to read. 7It’s important to choose fun and interesting reading material. MetLife Fellows’ research recommends that “[t]eachers should work with students at their level by providing appropriate resources.
2According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 99 percent of all Americans are literate.
When parents read to their children, they develop two types of bonds: one between the parent and the child, and one between the child and the reading material.
After the success of The Outsiders, Hinton chose to continue writing and publishing using her initials, because she did not want to lose what she hadmade famous, and to allow her to keepher private and public lives separate.