It would be shark againts fish i think
There will not be any effect because the body will continue to produce enough.
Producing breast milk to satisfy a starving newborn is an arduous and energy-intensive task - about 500 calories a day. Therefore, it is important that moms a little more than normal. If the mother eats little, her body will still produce good quality milk, but she will run out of energy. This can also slow the recovery of your body after childbirth.
What determines milk production is how often the baby breastfeeds or how much more the mother empties her breasts. That is, the more the baby suckles, the more milk the mother will have. This milk will always be the amount of nutrients a baby needs, regardless of whether or not the mother has eaten. But if the mother does not eat, she may have health problems.
ABO blood group system, the classification of human blood based on the inherited properties of red blood cells (erythrocytes) as determined by the presence or absence of the antigens A and B, which are carried on the surface of the red cells.
hope this answer satisfies you
The cells of living things also get energy by "burning." They "burn" glucose in the process called cellular respiration. Inside every cell of all living things, energy is needed to carry out life processes. Energy is required to break down and build up molecules and to transport many molecules across plasma membranes.
Just did this lesson on Edg 2020
Happy Holidays!