Y is Uranus, which is considered an ice giant, which are gaseous.
Importance of economic activities in the development of the country: Economic development is a process of directed activities and programs that work to develop the economic comfort and quality of life of a community, Economics affects our daily lives in both obvious and subtle ways. From an individual perspective, economics frames many choices we have to make about work, leisure, consumption, and how much to save. Our lives are also influenced by macro-economic trends, such as inflation, interest rates, and economic growth.
There is a well-known positive association between family income and children's development, including health and academic performance. ... Indeed, multiple successful interventions targeted to young children seem to primarily improve long-term outcomes by enhancing non-academic skills.
The conflict began after Athens and Eretria gave assistance to the Ionians in their rebellion against Persia and its ruler, Darius. Although Darius was able to secure the loyalty of many Greek city-states, both Sparta and Athens executed his ambassadors rather than give up independence.
Much of our earth's water supply comes from the asteroids.
More research done suggested that much of the earth's water is being delivered by the asteroids.
The origin of earth's water can be tracked down by analyzing the ratio of the two isotopes of hydrogen molecule. On isotope is the ordinary hydrogen and the other is the deuterium.
Research and study suggests that there is a close match between the earth water's ratio of deuterium to hydrogen to that of the asteroids, which is rich in water and elements such as nitrogen and carbon.
Thus the answer is --- "Asteroids"