Georgia was different from the other twelve colonies. It received money from Parliament to get it started, and alone of the 12 colonies, prohibited slavery and the import of alcohol. It is generally believed that lawyers were not allowed in the colony, but no legislation has been found to prove it. The settlers had no control of their own government - it was entirely ruled by the trustees.
Answer:Центурион, главный профессиональный офицер в армиях древнего Рима и его ... пилус, участвовал в военных советах с военными трибунами и командиром легиона. ... Зарегистрируйтесь здесь, чтобы увидеть, что произошло в этот день, каждый день в вашем почтовом ящике! ... Следите за новостной рассылкой Britannica, чтобы получать достоверные истории
He made a rule saying if you do not work you do not eat. hope that helps
You would explain to him how awesome and how free you feel, at that time moving to the US was an accomplishment
the compromise agreed on three fifths state slaves in apportioning representatives, president electors and direct taxes