Stephen Douglass was a Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate in 1858. Douglas defeated Abraham Lincoln to obtain his Senate seat. He was a supporter of the idea of popular sovereignty, the belief that the settlers in newly admitted territories should determine whether the area would be slave or free. Douglass received the Democratic nomination for president in 1860. Douglass support of popular sovereignty led to the splintering of the Democratic Party into Northern and Southern factions. Northerners opposed secession while Southerners supported it. The splintering of the party led to their defeat and the election of the Republican Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
It helped them to interact easily through activities such as trade and land buying and selling. This fact led to inter region marriages , suportin ech other i n time of need and foration of basic political bonds thus a change in there sociallives
if its from percy jackson its because hes not supposed to be alive and posiden created the rule
The Russians left the war after the bloshvik revolution in russia