Lincoln described the dangers of the Union that get dissolved over slavery. Also, the dangers of the union that get dissolved over slavery rallied northern Republicans.
Lincoln described the dangers of the Union that get dissolved over slavery. Also, the dangers of the union that get dissolved over slavery rallied northern Republicans. The most crucial part of the speech is ''A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free''
Banquo is skeptical of the Witches’ intentions and remains unconvinced of the Witches’ prophecy. Banquo warns Macbeth that “instruments of darkness” often tell half-truths “to win us to our harm” (1.3.125–126). While the Witches have prophesied great futures for both Macbeth and Banquo, Banquo is less inspired and intrigued than Macbeth and would rather leave the matter safely alone.
The answer is
To tell Penelope about her son's return.
Why don’t you try it yourself instead of cheating-