The characteristic of a capitalist economy is private ownership of businesses and means of production. It depends on free market for income prices and distribution of goods. while a socialist economy is characterised by government intervention for allocating the resources among its populations, prices are determined by the government.
Most of the countries today are mixed economies in which features of both capitalist and socialist economies are utilised as pure free market economies are prone to slowdowns, such a slowdown started in October 1929 in US. After that US government started to intervene in economic activities to achieve social aims. Mixed economies maintain private ownership and control of the means of production under government regulation, some industries are also under government control to produce public goods.
<em>US is a mixed economy.</em>
Driving laws offer protection to anyone on the road, to maintain everyone safe
<span><span>Operation Mongoose
The Cuban Project</span>Operation Mongoose Memorandum
October 4, 1962
First page of a meeting report</span>
The Cuban Project, also known as Operation Mongoose, was a covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that was commissioned in March 1960 during the final year of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration.
The Austrians and the Prussians were attacking along the french border and they were counterrevolutionary rebellions breaking out inside France
<em><u>Leon Battista</u></em>
In 1450, the Italian art architect Leon Battista Alberti invented the first mechanical anemometer; in 1664 it was re-invented by Robert Hooke (who is often mistakenly considered the inventor of the first anemometer).