Fall of the Ming Dynasty. The fall of the Ming dynasty was caused by a combination of factors, including an economic disaster due to lack of silver, a series of natural disasters, peasant uprisings, and finally attacks by the Manchu people.
An algorithm is often averaged to be analyzed so it is necessary to determine several parameters. In order to determine these parameters automatically, we utilize the linear regression to predict the target variable between the dependent and independent one.The best fit is done by making sure that the sum of all the distances between the shape and the actual observations at each point is as small as possible.
The Aborigines found themselves in a situation were they were systematically assimilated into a new culture without being able to do anything. The children where taken away from their parents, and they were raised by people that were of British descent or were educated in British based institutions. That led to the children learning only what their British parents and institutions were teaching them, thus not being able to preserve anything from the Aboriginal culture.
Also, there were forced marriages between the British settlers and the Aboriginal women with the purpose of ethnically wiping out the Aborigines in few generations. That was one of the worst methods that has been used for destroying indigenous people.
Correct answer choices are :
B) Many new nations in Latin America struggled to create a government and a stable economy.
C) James Monroe supported the independence movements and warned European nations to stay away.