La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
El papel que Estados Unidos se auto asigna tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial fue el de líder que buscó rescatar a los afectados países Europeos después de la guerra con el famoso Plan Marshall, que ayudaría a la economía de los países afectados en la región después de tanta destrucción.
Otro papel importante que tuvo fue el de tratar de impedir una mayor expansión del Comunismo en el mundo. La Unión Soviética ya controlaba y había implementado el Comunismo en países de Europa del Este como Checoslovaquia, Hungría, Alemania del Este, Rumanía, Albania, Polonia, y Bulgaria. Los Estados Unidos hacían todo lo posible por evitar que el Comunismo se expandiera por otras regiones del planeta en lo que se conoció como La Guerra Fría, en la que los E.E.U.U. y la URSS se enfrentaron en esta situación, así como en la carrera armamentística y la carrera espacial.
1. The man in the cartoon as <span>a baby, teenager, young adult, adult, and elderly man is Uncle Sam. The cartoon refers to the United States of America and its government and how it changed throughout the years. You can deduce who this is by looking at the clothes these people are wearing - red, white, and blue, the same colors as the American national flag.
2. The man represents America, as I said, and its expansionist ideology which started as soon as it got its independence from Britain. America fought for a long time for its freedom from its 'mother' and oppressor, and ever since it got what it wanted, it never stopped growing.
3. I believe the message of the cartoon is that America became corrupted over the years while it was looking to expand its territory. It started off as an innocent child, and ended up being a fat capitalist who only thinks about profit. The artist is showing this decline of values in America.
4. The result is that ironically, while America grew bigger and stronger, it also grew more unemotional and corrupt. You can see the final man's facial expression - he looks fat, content, and evil, having conquered everything that could be conquered and taken it for himself.
5. I would say the artist is definitely opposed to imperialism. Just by taking a look at the progression of these people, from an innocent baby, to a not-so innocent child, to a Napoleonic-looking USA, to the great Lincoln, and finally to a fat, cruel capitalist, you can see that the author believes imperialism and America's expansionist nature led it downwards in regards to values, not money.</span>
The term for those people is consumer.
He demanded peace and prosperity.
A. Existed during The same time periods
Agriculture has been the basis of the Mayan economy since pre-Columbian times and corn is its main crop. The Maya also grew cotton, beans (beans or beans), sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), cassava and cocoa. The techniques of spinning, dyeing and weaving achieved a high degree of perfection. As a unit of change, cocoa beans and copper bells were used, material that was also used for ornamental works, as well as gold, silver, jade, sea shells and colored feathers.
Egyptian agriculture was linked to the flood of the Nile and the silt deposited on the ground, turning it into a green and fertile mantle. They mainly grew cereals (barley, wheat), legumes and vegetables (leeks, lettuce, onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, beans, chickpeas) and fruits (melons, grapes, dates, figs). Some invading people brought new species such as apples, olives and pomegranates. In addition, pears, peaches, cherries and almonds appeared during the time of the Greek pharaohs. To make fabrics and ropes, the farmers also cultivated the linen.