The Iron Age began in China during the Zhou Dynasty's reign around 600 BC, however, earlier dynasties like the Shang first used iron during the Bronze Age derived from meteors called meteoric iron.
The Black Death was a plague that started in Central Asia in 1338 then it reached to China in 1346 One false rumor was that the moguls started it which was not true It affected the Black Sea port by 1347. It killed from 75 to 200 million people. Then Europe was a victim of The Black Death 1346 and lasted until 1353. Cracow and Poland were not affected by the Black Death.
The welfare state of the United Kingdom comprises expenditures by the government of the United Kingdom intended to improve health, education, employment and social security. The British system has been classified as a liberal welfare state system.
B. and E. marked the downfall of the Inca empire, for obvious reasons. Disease and civil war would obviously kill the empire, and taking an important leader would also mark great chaos within the empire. A. and C. are not to be ignored however, considering that maintaining peaceful relationships with the Spaniards only brought death and chaos to the Aztecs, all from the Spaniards.