There were several immediate stated causes for the U.S. declaration of war: first, a series of trade restrictions, Orders in Council (1807), introduced by Britain to impede American trade with France, a country with which Britain was at war (the U.S. contested these restrictions as illegal under international law); second, the impressment (forced recruitment) of U.S. citizens into the Royal Navy; third, the British military support for American Indians who were offering armed resistance to the expansion of the American frontier to the Northwest. President James Madison and Congress declared what is sometimes referred to as the 2nd War of Independence, the War of 1812.
There's no such story that tells "all humans turn to clay". I suppose what you mean is a story that says "humans came from clay".
The story of the latter actually came from mostly different versions of mythology, the Bible, and Quran.
According to the Greek mythology, Prometheus created men out of water and earth (water+earth(land)= mud/clay).
According to Egyptian mythology, their God created humans from clay before putting them into their mother's womb.
According to Hindu mythology, Parvati, the goddess of fertility, love, and devotion created Ganesh, the Lord of good fortune from clay and turned into flesh and blood.
The most widely known verse of the Bible says, "the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life; then man became a living soul". (Genesis 2:7)
And the Muslim's Quran as well says the same thing.
Some characteristics of the Aryan culture were that it was patriarchal
meaning that the father was the head of the household. They were also
polytheistic in that they worshipped many gods whose wives were
unfaithful. They are also said to be nomadic with some living more by
hunting while others raised livestock.
The Encyclopædia Britannica defines "political machine" as, "in U.S. politics, a party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state".
B. Teaching Evolution
John T. Scopes was put on trial for teaching about Evolution. It was said that he violated the "Tennessee Butler Act" which made it prohibited to teach about Evolution since it would confuse and/or conflict the creation theories.
I hope it helps! I hope you have a great day!