Look I would help but I'm not learning that stuff yet in Middle School.
Taking steps to reduce or eliminate pollution from nonpoint sources such as streets and farms will help to maintain the ecological balance. Sewage and run-off of agricultural fertilizer can cause the rapid growth of algae in lakes and streams. The growth of algae blocks sunlight and depletes the oxygen in the water.
It was raining earlier on, now that it has stopped these droplets accumulated on the leaves, soon they will drip down to the ground.
Human milk oligosaccharides act as a soluble decoy receptors which is responsible for the blockage of bonds between enteric pathogens and epithelial cells which helps in reducing the risk of infection caused by retrovirus.
Human milk oligosaccharides are the sugar molecules which cannot be digested by the body of newly born baby. These sugar molecules remove the harmful viruses which are present in the gut of infant and the baby is save from infection.
The answer for this question is the second one so b or 2