Obliterate- destroy entirely.
Politic- advantageous at the moment.
Tedious- involving a lot of detail work.
Venturesome- willing to take risks.
Tumult- disorder.
Callous- offensively insensitive.
The given words and their meanings are given as follows-
Obliterate- This means to remove or destroy someone or something completely. It means complete annihilation, destruction.
Politic- It means something that is advantageous for the moment, meaning temporarily or momentarily useful.
Tedious- Tedious is hard work, the act of doing something sincerely and in a detailed manner.
Venturesome- It refers to someone who is willing to take risks, not afraid to take the path others haven't.
Tumult- It means a disorderly or problematic situation., something that is in disarray, unrest, confusion.
Callous- It refers to someone who is rude, rough, with no sympathy. It is used for someone who has no heart, patience, or cold-hearted.
Self control is being able to control anger ,sadness,and sparks of energy.An example of using self control is when your mad at someone and your reading to yell take a deep breath and think is what i'm about to say nice or helpful .If your able to calm you have self control.
Its not 5 but its should be good :)
The correct answer should be "<span>Scout tells the story from her innocent, child-like point of view."
It is extremely important that she narrates in this way because her innocent view can objectively show how misplaced racism is because she as a child does not understand what the big deal is. She is aware of how the community feels about race, she just doesn't understand why it is so which is why her innocent child-like narration is very important for the readers.</span>
You forgot the period. And The capital "c". I don't know what type of question this is so I just helped with the grammar!
<span>C seems right! It's the only one that is actually using physical descriptors to describe feelings of pain.</span>