Translated questions by Mimiwhatsup/Answers:
1. In Latin American countries, it's always very hot. (False)
2. A stereotype is something that people think is not always the truth. (True)
3. A example of a stereotype is that Spanish is spoken in Spain. (False)
4. If there's a downpour, that means it's raining little. (True)
5. During a thunderstorm, there are lightning and thunder. (False)
If the photo that you have showa May 11th, that date in Spanish is <em>11 de mayo</em>.
Among the options showed, just letter C (Es el cincuenta de junio) has no sense, because it means June, 50th.
1.)what is your name?
See you later
My name is Ana María.
2.)How are you, Juan José?
No good
You’re welcome
3.)Where are you from, Gabriel?
You are welcome
did u mean like dishes/food?