Hover for more information. Hamlet is suspicious of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as he is mistrustful of their motives for being in the court and very wary of responding to their inquiries about his mental state.
This is for 5th grade not high school.
Discarded is used to refer to something that has been thrown away or placed in the garbage due to disuse. Items like tires eventually wear out and are often sent to dumps before being recycled. The word discarded is strongly associated with refuse and unwanted items.
In much the same way, ideas can also be discarded as not worth the effort or resources to carry out.
The bike on the bike rack is blue.
The correct sentence from the given sentences is 'The bike on the bike rack is blue.' In the other three sentences, the error is in subject-verb-agreement. Subject-verb-agreement exemplifies that the subject and the verb in a sentence should be the same in numbers and tense. This means that with the singular noun, the singular verb will be used and with the plural noun, the plural verb will be used. In the first sentence, the subject 'cars' is plural, but the verb 'belongs' is singular. In the second sentence, the subject 'sidewalks' is plural, but the verb 'has' is singular. In the third sentence, the subject 'surface' is singular, but the verb 'were' is plural.