The first one is because they make the laws
Answered below
The civil rights movement was in its post civil rights era by 1988. The post civil rights period was the time since the voting rights of 1965, the fair housing act of 1968 and the civil rights act of 1964 were passed by the supreme court. These ended the legal discrimination and segregation, enforced voter registration and practices and ended segregation in housing, in places where these were discriminated against. Malcolm X and Martin Luther king were the activists at the forefront of the civil rights movement.
The women's rights movement did a lot and achieved a lot in a short period of time. Women gained access to jobs following the Equal Employment Rights commission. There was liberalisation in divorce laws and pregnant women weren't allowed to be sacked by employers. In 1972 with the passage of Title X, there was prohibition of gender discrimination.
During the Cold war, there was a big fear of a possible nuclear attack from the Soviet Union, so when the US wanted to increase its spending on defense, it argued for it by saying that it needed to have better weapons to be able to prevent a possible attack.
Answer:The increased flow of silver during the mid-16 century to the early 18 century caused social and th th
economic effects in all regions connected with the trade by increasing the integration of Europeans in the
globalization of world trade and creating greater economic opportunities but also growing social divisions
within China.” This thesis succinctly sums up the different social and economic effects facing different regions,
and also previews the POV several documents will be analyzed by later in the essay.