No todas las bacterias son perjudiciales los lactobacilos son bacterias que ayudan en la digestión
The correct answer is Deletion.
DiGeorge syndrome, more commonly considered as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. It refers to an ailment resulting when a small segment of chromosome 22 is missing. This deletion leads to poor development of many systems of the body.
The medical issues generally associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome involve poor immune system function, heart defects, a cleft palate, delayed development with emotional and behavioral issues, and issues associated with diminished levels of calcium in the blood.
In multi-celullar organisms , the cell cycle produces groups of cells that perform the same function. These groups of cells form what it is called a tissue. A tissue is made up of cells that all are specialised to perform the same function. A bunch of tissues form an organ. Organs are more complex in structure and functions.
lots of different organs together form an organ system.
4.Cell wall protects the cell whiles organelles are found in the cell itself which is having the cell wall
Ribosomes nuclear membrane nucleus large cauole