Yes, it i clear because it is giving you visual queues telling you that global warming is fake. Such as the planet with snow, and the snow around the car with the quote on it "warm globally, freeze locally".
C. He has left a fame behind Him which will be as endurable as if his name were written... midnight sky
The above sentence shows that Hawthorne had a very intense attitude towards Isaac Newton. This line shows that he admired him deeply, because of his work and his relevance. That is why Hawthorne refers to Newton as someone who "left a fame behind that would be as bearable as if his name were written ... midnight sky."
This admiration also reveals what motivated Hawthorne to write a biography about Newton. So that people would understand your admiration for this great man.
The correct answer is C.
In the summer of 1927, President Calvin Coolidge participated in the formal dedication of the massive stone monument known as Mount Rushmore, which was completed 14 years later." Hope this helps.
If I were ever in a situation where I had to do something brave to stand up for something i believe in ,against a powerful group of people I would feel scared and at the same time I would feel brave. I would feel scared because I would have to stand up for something but there might be risks. Danger from people who oppose me, or people that do not agree with me.
I would feel brave because I was standing for something that I believed was right. And should be correct.