Dual federalism, also known as layer-cake federalism or divided sovereignty, is a political arrangement in which power is divided between the federal and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the federal government. Dual federalism is defined in contrast to cooperative federalism ("marble-cake federalism"), in which federal and state governments collaborate on policy.
Dual federalism depends on the generally idealistic conviction that an unmistakable division among government and state authority can and does, exist. This hypothesis expresses that authority between the two degrees of U.S. government, public, and state could be dealt with similarly, live respectively similarly, and hold the generally equivalent position.
The benefits of this framework are that it shields neighborhoods wards from the exceed of the central government. The designers of the Constitution were anxious about the possibility that the central government would have an excessive amount of intensity, and this framework was a method for keeping that circumstance from creating. Likewise, double federalism permits neighborhood purviews to create laws that mirror the requirements and wants of their constituents. For instance, states have various laws with respect to marriage, separation, and speed limits. These laws depend on the requirements of the state