1. deficit incurred due to the expenses of a political effort: Debt: to owe money
2. following one's principles: conscientious: somebody is conscientious when he/she performs a job well
3. persons appointed to head the executive departments of the United States Government campaign: cabinet members. Cabinet members are top leaders from the executive department in the US.
4. separation from a main group to form a new group as a result of disunity: segregation. Segregation is to separate someone or something apart from others usually based on religion, race or gender.
5. the removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups: integration. Integration is to successfully mix with a different group of people.
Thx for the free pts, have a great day/night, and stay safe!
Yes, in some areas Euopean impeialism was still eient after WW1.
it basically wants you to explain the legacy of Ronald reagan but in cartoon form
U.S. policy toward the region of the Persian Gulf has changed more and more often over the years more than any other foreign policy I can think of. Current U.S. policy can be traced back more than half a century. This said, the most useful place to begin to understand how we arrived where we are today is to return to the late 1960s, when Great Britain decided it could no longer sustain its commitments east of Suez.