Cells duplicate their DNA when they decide they need to divide. Cells divide for three main reasons: growth, repair, and reproduction. This could be during mitosis or meiosis. Mitosis is the dividing of your non-reproductive cells, and meiosis is the dividing of your reproductive cells
Growth. ... When one cell divides into two, both must have a copy of the genetic information. Therefore, before cell division occurs, the genes must also make duplicates of themselves so that all of the important genetic information ends up in each of the new cells.
"The asthenosphere (Ancient Greek: ἀσθενός [asthenos] meaning "without stength", and thus "weak", and σφαίρα [sphaira] meaning "sphere") is the highly viscous, mechanically weak and ductile region of the upper mantle of the Earth. ... In some regions the asthenosphere could extend as deep as 700 km (430 mi)."
It starts as rain and freezes in the air.
Sleet is that form of precipitation that freezes down in air or after the contact with the earth due to extreme low temperature in a region. For example, sleet is common in Tundra region like Alaska and Northern Canada.
Political if you are talking about where the country meet another and its a natural boundary if it is physical like a river or mountain range