malamig ehdahil pag walang susi ang motor hindi aandar ang dagat charoot kaya mo na yan madali lang yan eh
Religion was incorporated within the empire along with may other things which is one of the reasons it was so successful for so long.
In other words it's because they were tolerant of other religions (answer B).
The Amazon River in South America served as a significant roadway through the centuries. For instance, the river allowed Orellana, a Spanish explorer in the 1500s, to spread Christianity to Amazon inhabitants. Explorers were able to travel up the entire river and return by the same route, which emphasizes the practicality of it as a travel method. Additionally, naturalists on these expeditions spread ideas through their findings on the Amazon. In conclusion, the Amazon River provided an effective path that encouraged the spread of global knowledge and beliefs.
river bifurication. or when it splits into smaller streams.