In the English language, the most common rule for forming plurals is to add an 's' or 'es' to the end of the word. For example<span>, the words dogs, cats, trees, foxes and sandwiches all represent the plural form of the noun.</span>
Yeah, I don't really understand the question.
Inductive is the best ordering for narrative essays
The meaning conveyed by the morpheme chron- in each of the words listed: chronology, chronicle. chronic and chronogram means, TIME. The word "chron-" comes from the Greek word "khronos" meaning time. Chronology means the arrangement of dates of events in order. Chronicle means a record of a series of events. Chronic means persistent and chronogram means time writing.
In the book “The Giver” by Lois Lowry one character that differs in the book to movie is the Giver, in the book he experienced more pain and was more grumpy in the movie they don’t show this side to him causing a difference.