The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 both had to do with states that wanted to enter the U.S. California entered the Union as a free state. The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 both created controversy when the tried to enter the Union.
The compromise also included a more stringent Fugitive Slave Law and banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C. The issue of slavery in the territories would be re-opened by the Kansas–Nebraska Act, but many historians argue that the Compromise of 1850 played a major role in postponing the American Civil War. What did Stephen Douglas try to accomplish with the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854? ... (A) Douglass tried to build a railroad and promote western settlement. This was no more successful than the Compromise of 1850.
The eastern united states has a higher median age, such as florida, west virginia, and maine
- however, the western united states has a lower median age, such as utah and idaho.
B. A house keeper wounded fall under the category of domestic and personal services because they are not professional like maids or butlers.
highest point is spruce knob at 4,861ft