Actually the answer D)Immorality <span />
C. Slaves who ran away and set up free communities
Maroons are descendants of Africans in the Americas who formed settlements away from slavery. Some had escaped from slavery.
Native Americans in New Mexico are skilled farmers
New mexico Department of Agriculture had worked withe several native american tribes such as Navajo, Santa Ana, Acoma, Laguna and Pojoaque, to help them bring their agricultural products to new markets.
Navajo nation operates the irrigation project which grows alpha, corn, potatoes and beans and wheat, It has the capacity to supply any market. Be it international or domestic.
The answer is gonna be 25
Endoparasite. These live inside the host. They include heart-worm, tapeworm, and flatworms. An inter cellular parasite lives in the spaces within the host's body, within the host's cells.