Abigail characterizes Elizabeth Proctor to reverend Parris and John Proctor by saying that "Oh I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be-" "She hates me uncle she must", where she is treated like a slave, bitter woman.
Religious ceremonies are frequently overseen by an ordained clergyman. These can include christenings, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Some ministers only have a limited variety of ceremonies they are "licensed" to execute, such as weddings.
When there is only one priest, he serves as both the pastor and the head of the church. The pastor is the title given to the senior priest in a large church with numerous priests. The word "reverend" is used to refer to a member of the clergy and is not a title that denotes authority in the church hierarchy.
Learn more about reverend here
Similarity of the drug molecule to other molecules normally transported lung cells.
Similiarity of the drug molecules ot the lung cells would ensure that the drug affects only the lung cells and does not interfere with other tissues. This can also ensure proper absorption and prevent any adverse effects of the drug on other cells, tissues.
All of the following are true about RFID except high-frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet
Answer: high-frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet
In the modern time of technology, RFID holds great importance as it is type of wireless communication that uses electromagnetic fields to identify the tags which are attached to the objects. It can be utilized to identify animals, objects and human beings who has RFID chip implanted on them.
Radio frequency identification which is abbreviated as RFID doesn’t depend on the line of sight scanning. These tags are used in a variety of industries and for the tracking and identification of pets and live stocks.
The one-Party system could more realistically be called a "no-party" system
The main purpose we create several parties in the government is to provide a different political point of views so the people can freely choose which party that could represent them in the government
In dictatorship, all the power falls into one group of people and all the law and policies in that country can only be determined by that group without giving any choice for the people to choose their own representative, so what is the purpose of creating a party ?