Answer:El número de gobernantes en una tetrarquía grecorromana
La tetrarquía ye una forma de gobiernu por aciu la cual el poder compartir cuatro persones que se autodenominan tetrarcas.
La tetrarquía foi tamién el sistema de gobiernu colexáu instauráu pol emperador romanu Diocleciano nel añu 284 d. C. ante la necesidá de regular el caos que reinaba nel Imperiu tres los años conocíos como crisis del sieglu III ente'l 235 y el 285. La creación d'un sistema tetrárquico de gobiernu per parte de Diocleciano debióse más a la coxuntura políticu-militar qu'a un plan preestablecido o un designio sobre la meyor forma de gobiernu del Imperiu. Nos entamos tratar d'una diarquía, pola cual nomó césar a Maximiano en 285 d. C. cola cuenta de qu'esti reprimiera la rebelión bagauda. Un añu más tarde, col encargu de reprimir l'alzamientu de Carausio, yera nomáu augusto d'Occidente.
"Love Can’t Ever Get Better Than This" - Ricky Skaggs and Sharon White
Martina McBride - "I Love You"
Little Texas - "My Love"
Kenny Chesney - "Somewhere With You"
Charley Pride - "You’re So Good When You’re Bad"
George Strait - "I Cross My Heart"
love is a passion that you feel around with people who are special to you
Chemical Mixtures Tested in labs and added substances for smell
If I were to chose one of the main characters I would choose Dorthy because she seems so motivated to change the world into a better place. In the beginning she wants to leave her simple/ordinary life behind for a better, more colorful life. During the end, all she wants is to go back home because this better, more colorful life is very stressful and action filled. She reminds me of myself, I want a different life than what I already have but when I sleep over at one of my friend's house, it just seems so weird compared to mine and all I want to do is go back home.