Even if Arabic is the official language in Algeria, French is most commonly used in the workplace. As a result of 132 years of colonization, Algerians speak and understand French.
When meeting people, you should approach them differently depending on their gender. It is also best to briefly find out some general information about the person’s social and professional environment, the company and town where he/she works (the town’s population, history, the name of the town’s soccer team, etc). When first meeting, the following are good subjects to help direct your conversation and make a good impression:
Sports (with Algerian men): Soccer is as popular as hockey is in Canada. Algerians will be pleasantly surprised to hear a Canadian speak about the local or national soccer team and talk or ask questions about the game.
your welcome :]
The main difference between the Vietnam War and the Korean War was that the Vietnam War resulted in an increase in territory for communist forces, but the Korean War did not. ... Therefore, North Korea, communist, and South Korea, capitalist, maintained their territories, a situation that remains until today.
Hope this helps
The new industries and businesses affected the way many american children lived, because due to the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of new industries and businesses since 19th century, <u>many children worked long hours in factories, mills or mines</u> from an early age (some from 6 years old). They had to work strenuous working days of more than 54 hours per week, which caused the children to be forced to leave their studies and their infantile activities to carry out the work. As a result of that many children suffered accidents that several times seriously harmed them.
North Korea, a Cold War remnant in East Asia, has long been treated as an impene- ... that revolve around North Korea do pose challenges for understanding the ... obsession to look out for itself, “directly related to a sense of weakness toward