<span>The 19th amendment to the constitution, Nazism, birth control, and Protestantism all have in common is that they are all the products of social movements.
Right for women to give vote passed by congress, is also in the 19th amendment of U.S. So, 19th amendment is also very important in women history. Amendment is an article added to the Constitution of U.S.</span>
North is better than south. idk im trying to get points man.
A steady-state economy is an economy structured to balance growth with environmental integrity. A steady-state economy seeks to find an equilibrium between production growth and population growth. In a steady state economy, the population would be stable with birth rates closely matching death rates and production rates similarly matching the depreciation or consumption of goods.
More than 22 million new jobs, highest home ownership in American History
The Rise of Dictators<span>The US wanted to spread awareness of a democratic government around the world. This backfired and Europe and Asia adopted an antidemocratic government. Dictators arose across may nations. Fascism was developed, the belief of a nation was more important than the individual, expanding territory, and a strong military. France had Benito Mussolini. Communist also became popular in Russia, who everybody feared and lead by Lenin. Russia was dictated by Joseph Stalin who tolerated no opposition. Germany hated the Allies after WWI so they had a dictatorship too, being led by Adolf Hitler. Japan was in a crisis as well and their solution was to seize territory and they did, following nationalistic beliefs.</span>