C. A surplus of agricultural goods
Un-intervened markets are at equilibrium where Market Demand = Market Supply. Market Supply curve is upward sloping, due to price - supply direct relationship. Market demand curve is downward sloping, due to price - demand inverse relationship. Both curves intersect at equilibrium.
Price floor is minimum mandated price by government, below which a good cant be sold in the markets. It is usually set above market price, to protect the interest of sellers. Eg : Minimum Support price, of agricultural goods, set for protecting interests of sellers (farmers) from volatile prices.
This mandate set artificially high price : leads to supply being more than demand, as supply is directly & demand is inversely related to price. So, supply > demand implies that agricultural goods are at surplus in markets.
I don't know what is meaning
The ten step cycle that results in the timely payment for patients' medical services is the MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION BILLING CYCLE.
Medical billing is a payment method that is used in USA health system. The medical billing process is an interaction between the healthcare providers and the insurance companies who are responsible for payments of medical services rendered to their clients.
Answer: Having lower opportunity costs.
Explanation: Opportunity cost can be defined as the cost of next best alternative foregone. In this case, James is saving his money by taking work of a professional from a new recruit also he gets the opportunity to procure high quality materials which he was earlier not able to. Thus, he is saving a major portion of income because of a less costly alternative available.
Dividend in arrears $ 1,000,000
Total Dividend $ 2,000,000
The dividend at 5% of $100 par value is $5 per unit of shares. Recall, each unit of the preference shares has a par value of $100
Dividend calculation = $5 multiplied by the total unit of shares
previous year shares dividend is 5 x 200, 000 unit of shares = $ 1,000,000
This year total dividend payout will be current year of $1,000,000 plus previous year of $1,000,000 = $2,000,000