The workies pressed for universal male suffrage,equal educational opportunities,protection from debtor imprisonment and compulsory service in the militia
Answer: 1A. Confusion
1B. “Waiting for nothing, with nothing I wanted to do.”
2A. It shows that feelings of guilt will pass. It shows that it is best to admit mistakes. It shows that it is difficult to understand how other people are feeling.C.
2B. B.
3A. They both dislike quitting something before it is finished. Neither of them is good at apologizing when they are wrong. They are both unsure about what the other person will do. C.
3B. A,B
4A. D
4B. E, A
The answer is navigation, date and time
The captivity formally ended in 538 BC or before Christ win the Persian conqueror of babel one Cyrus the great gave the Jews permission to return to the Palestine
Smaller states since they would get as much representation as the Bigger states.