No I’m gonna I was like oh hey you got me to come over for you bruh is the way I can meet y’all and then I’ll be there at the mall and tyyt
Typically, one of the first items mentioned on the calendar is passing the bill enacting procedures and deadlines for the session. The daily version of the legislative calendar is sometimes called the daily file, agenda or calendar, which lists all the bills that will be considered on a given day. ...
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Answer: C
Explanation:Concerned that parents were ignoring the first law, in 1647 Massachusetts passed another one requiring that all towns establish and maintain public schools. ... For both religious and political reasons, then, the Puritans began almost immediately to establish schools.
Farming was different in different places because of climate, ground (like the nutrients in the soil, if it was sand or soil), and what they grew depended on what was there. like there were things you could grow in water, thing you could grow in dirt.