1. A. El botones lleva las maletas. - Bellboy carries the luggage.
2. G. La habitacion individu tiene una cama. - A single room has one bed.
3. Uso H. la llave para entrar en mi habitacion. - I use the key to enter my room.
4. Uso C. el ascensor para subir a mi piso. - I use the elevator to reach my apartment.
5. Una persona que viaja as J. el viajero o la viajera. - A person who travels is a traveler.
6.Pongo mi cepillo de dientes y el champu en F. el cuarto de bano. - I put my toothbrush and my shampoo in the bathroom.
7. Tengo que firmar I. el cheque. - I need to sign the cheque.
8. Mastercard es D. la tarjeta de credito. - Mastercard is a credit card.
9. Nadamos en E. la piscina. - We swim in the pool.
10. Antes de ir al hotel, tengo que hacer B. las reservaciones. - Before I go to the hotel, I need to make a reservation.
All of them, a cognate is a word that in a different language sounds the same as it means in english E.G. Internet and Internet.
Dinner should be served much later than americans usually eat dinner. Dinner is eaten anywhere from 8pm-10pm because people living in mexico eat larger lunches and stay full longer.
9. (Aprendieron)
10. (Navegue)