The correct answer is - C) had Jewish ancestors.
The Nuremberg Laws were defining a Jewish person by the person's ancestry. If someone had a Jewish ancestor and it was recorded in the documentations, than that persons was identified as Jewish, even though that person might have identified as other ethnicity, and was not practicing Judaism as its religion, it didn't matter.
The next step after the identification of the Jewish people was one of the biggest massacres in the world's history, known as the Holocaust, where it is estimated that around 6 million Jews were killed.
When considering Job's friend's approach, first, one must take into account Job's current situation. He had lost all of his sons, his wealth, his health, and probably the respect of others around him and his friends did little or nothing to ease his pain. For example, when trying to comfort him, Bildad, said that if Job's son died, its because they were sinners or evil men and they deserved to die. Eliphaz hinted that Job was not a righteous man, and he was being punished by God, who doesn't value the good actions of his servants.
When reading their full speech, one can see how they not only failed to ease Job's suffering, but also contributed to increase it. Blaming him from his suffering, blaming god, or insinuating that god was cruel. A god that Job deeply believed in. If one could say that they did at least something right is that they stopped Job from feeling sorry of himself. And when the last of his friends Elihu stepped in he helped him to see the bigger picture. And how he could still be a good man, and be suffering, because he was not perfect, and he could make mistakes.
A better approach could have been starting with kind words, feeling truly sorry for his loss, helping him to see that his sons had no blame in what happened, and that god could still be there to support him. And when the time was right, help him to stop feeling sorry of himself, in a kind but strong way, as Elihu did.
Post WW2. Mostly when Communism China was taking over Nationalist China. And especially that they both are Communist
The U.S.s stepped up efforts to prevent the expansion of
communism in the world. Apart from that
they continue to maintain bases in South Korea in case the North would once
again launch an attack. The Korean war
also saw the integration of African Americans into the army, meaning there were
no segregated troops during this war.