The main goal for Eli Wiesel's "danger of indifference" is to motivate people to do something when they see other people suffering.
Since Eli Wiesel was a victim of the tragedy known as the Holocaust, he talks about indifference with her own situation and what results from it. Eli shares some examples of people who knew what happened and did nothing at all to help. His goal is to prevent the next generation to be indifferent, since he knows what it cost him and many others that the past one was.
D is the correct answer, because “its” the possessive of “it”. it wouldn’t be “Our dog cut it is paw”
I want to help you but I really don't know .
The answer is D. Lahiri want's to bring attention to how much cultural tension there is between an Indian transfer student and a typical American school. In this example the conflict isn't between the child and the teacher: but the communication barrier they have over his name.