It's almost like when the fight gets physical, thinking about the slam dunk part. I found some useful information on this website on this website. You might search the question.
And the great ships sail outward and return, Bending and bowing o'er the billowy swells, And ever joyful, as they see it burn, They wave their silent welcomes and farewells.
They come forth from the darkness, and their sails Gleam for a moment only in the blaze, And eager faces, as the light unveils, Gaze at the tower, and vanish while they gaze.
It sees the ocean to its bosom clasp The rocks and sea-sand with the kiss of peace; It sees the wild winds lift it in their grasp, And hold it up, and shake it like a fleece.
Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
No we are not. We do share common ancestors but are not related. Monkeys and humans have some same ancestors but are NOT related.
The main topic of both poems written by Denise Levertov is war, however said theme is portrayed in a unique way.
In 'Life At War', Levertov depicts war as the most terrible event to ever take place. Her choice of wording the poem really creates an impact, the poem begins with 'disasters numb within us' implying she feels powerless and a slave to situation, throughout the poem she uses glum phrases such as 'lumps of raw daugh' and 'formless lumps'.
However in 'Overheard Over S.E Asia' the tone of the poem is bright and the situation is portrayed in a lighter manner. She uses phrases such as 'rich seas', 'bamboo thickets' and 'whisper of sequins' all of these awake feelings of peace with the word.
Hope this helps!