Each pack contains two books and six pencils
Realism is a literary movement that was created in response
to romanticism. Romanticism had at its
basis—like the name suggests—a romantic (almost too optimistic) notion of all
about which was written. Realism, on
the other hand, was just the opposite in that it portrayed society (reality) as
the way it really was almost pessimistically (or at least as it was seen by the
author) and can be seen as an equal and opposite reaction to romanticism.
An informed opinion would be an opinion formed by someone with prior knowledge of a topic, an uninformed would be made of an opinion with no prior knowledge.
A- “to relate an abstract concept to something real”
The point of this passage is definitely not for the sake of putting in food readers may like. The point is to put in an abstract concept-love- and make a metaphor(comparing it) to real life things to help the reader visualize what the author is trying to say better.