A hero is selfless, a genuinely good person, and someone gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change. Someone willing to risk their own life to save another. ... Webster's defines a hero as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent, endowed with great strength or ability.
The dictionary defines "hero" as "a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities." Heroes come in many forms in life, ranging from one's family and friends to athletes to movie stars. A person's heroes can change over time.
Sacrifice is the forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. Determination is a fixed intention or resolution; a firmness of purpose or resolve. Loyalty is the feeling of allegiance or the act of binding oneself to a course of action.
B.) As a stickler about statistics, I was disturbed by Mr. Schlosser's cavalier manipulation of data, which produced some startling — and, frankly, unbelievable — "facts."
Writing about something with the purpose of proving or disproving, clarifying, reviewing, or judging its merits is writing intended to "inform" since it seeks the truth. Of course "inform" and "persuade" go hand-in-hand quite frequently.