Doyle wrote and produced a play based on the story. It premiered at the Adelphi Theatre<span>, </span>London<span> on 4 June 1910, with H. A. Saintsbury as Sherlock Holmes and </span>Lyn Harding<span> as Dr. Grimesby Roylott. The play, originally called </span>The Stonor Case<span>, differs from the story in several details, such as the names of some of the characters.</span>
Clouds hover together is a statement that makes sense. An army preparing for battle thouhg does not make sense since armies do not hover.
They both promised fair to grow up as rude as savages; the young master being entirely negligent how they behaved, and what they did, so they kept clear of him.
He would not even have seen after going to church on Sundays, only Joseph and the curate reprimanded his carelessness when they absented themselves; and that reminded him to order Heathcliff a flogging, and Catherine a fast from dinner or supper.
Hindley in a passion told us to bolt the doors, and swore nobody should let them in that night.
Noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others. It's a vast subject so we can get into specifics if you know exactly what you want...maybe examples of cause and effect
On the flight, Perry is too nervous to eat. He muses that the only reason he is even going to "Nam" is because of a paperwork mistake. A knee injury has left him unfit for combat duty, but as his former captain has told him, "it takes forever to process a medical profile"